
A range of electronics projects with a focus on music or very cool synthesizers.

Cyrus CD8X Player

Hey! Some HiFi, what started my fascination for music projects.

Study of and modification of my stricken Cyrus CD8X CD player with the common fault “No Disc” or “Disc Error”.

Cyrus CD8X Repair for Disc error or No Disc

Plasma Music MKS80 Aurora PSU

Alex Bhinder at Plasma Music has created a new Power Supply for the MKS80 called Aurora, it’s fabulous!


Retroaktiv MPG-70

A review of what it is all about, some nice photos of it, what it does for controllability and how Guy Wilkinson supported the project.


SuperJX Power Supply Replacement

Designed for Roland JX8P, JX10, MKS70, reduces heat and removes the ticking time bomb power supply tracking regulator IC failure. Specially designed filters keep noise low and give excellent dynamic performance for high quality audio.


Retroaktiv PG800mini

A review of the Retroaktiv PG800mini programmer for MKS 70, JX 10 and JX8P.

PG800mini-Test (1)

Akai S3000XL Compact Flash

If you have a passion for hardware sequencers, they can drive an Akai S3000XL, but for convenience and using modern storage techniques, an upgrade can give huge benefits.


Midibox Seq4 Hardware Sequencer

An awesome and creative project that can really add some live creativity to your set up, it has knobs too!


Copyright © 2023   Super Synth Projects, Guy Wilkinson